The secret to business success

2017-10-31T14:05:45-06:00By |Categories: Strategy|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Everyone defines business success differently, although universally, it includes profits. When I ask people who are successful in business profits what is the one thing that they owe to their success, most say it comes down to this: try a lot of things, fail at most, but through all those failures, you find a few [...]

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What is a moonshot?

2017-09-04T10:14:28-06:00By |Categories: Strategy|Tags: , , |

I am copying this word for word from Peter Diamandis.  This is worth keeping in mind for entrepreneurs. My definition of an entrepreneurial or corporate Moonshot comes from my friend Astro Teller, who is the current head of X (formerly Google X). He defines it as going 10X bigger, while the rest of the world [...]

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How best can I introduce a product into the consumer market [wheat meals, oat meals and other cereals]?

2017-07-09T18:02:40-06:00By |Categories: Strategy|Tags: , , |

This is a Quora question I was asked to answer.  My answer is as follows. This is a high level plan I recommend based on the very general information you provided. The first thing is to determine your competitive advantages. You want to answer what will allow you to compete and win against your competitors? [...]

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What are key success factors of new brand launch in fashion categories of cosmetic and jewelry?

2017-05-30T18:18:07-06:00By |Categories: Strategy|Tags: , , , , , |

This is a Quora question I was asked and here is my answer. Based on your question, it appears you have a brand with products geared toward the fashion categories of cosmetics and jewelry. You want to know what you need to do to ensure a successful launch. In comparison to consumer products in general, [...]

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Consumer product growth strategies

2018-04-08T15:50:44-06:00By |Categories: Strategy, Visuals|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

This post provides a summary of consumer product growth strategies that I see, with their relative cost to successfully execute, time to successfully execute, risk of failure and manpower to execute. Predominant marketing influencing factors The three predominant marketing influencing factors are direct marketing (product centric), brand marketing (reputation centric), [...]

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When is the right time to Kickstarter or crowdfund your consumer product company

2018-12-08T14:08:19-07:00By |Categories: Downloads, Strategy|Tags: , , , , , |

I have not done any hard core research into the success or growth track of companies following a successful Kickstarter, Indigogo or other crowdfund campaign. But anecdotally, this is what I have observed.  And this is definitely what I see in many startups, even ones that do not go the Kickstarter/crowdfund route. Take a look [...]

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How could you use agile principles in consumer product development

2019-12-27T20:18:50-07:00By |Categories: Strategy|Tags: , , , , |

Here is how I use agile principles in consumer product development, marketing and sales: Conduct deep competitive analysis on what is already offered in the marketplace, including features, benefits, and outcomes. Find out which products are selling well through sites like - Digital World Market Intelligence Platform and through exiting online and offline distribution [...]

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Are you staying professionally relevant in a changing world? Here’s how I do it

2019-12-27T20:13:24-07:00By |Categories: Strategy|Tags: , , |

Tips from the video are posted below. I heard something recently which I think is important for all of us to reflect on: How do we stay relevant with our knowledge and skills as we work for companies or start our own companies and serve our customers? Here's how I do it: Stay abreast [...]

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What are the barriers to entry for CPG companies?

2019-08-20T16:33:59-06:00By |Categories: Strategy|Tags: |

This is a Quora question: Brands and Branding: What are the barriers to entry for CPG companies (Food, HPC)? What prevents new on-trend brands ("better for you") from displacing established brands? My answer is as follows. There are two key reasons, from my perspective. Brands that come up with new products with small improvements over [...]

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