I build FUTURE-PROOF COMPANIES designed to thrive in the decades ahead, leveraging my skills as a LEADING-EDGE TECHNOLOGIST, BUSINESS MODEL INNOVATOR and EXPONENTIAL GROWTH STRATEGIST in the DTC, B2C, B2B2C and consumer product industry.
My priors include building an online social network, which I sold, two food companies and an education company.
My current companies span pet, telecom, SAAS for outdoor, and food.
Along my entrepreneurship journey, I have perfected the art of face-planting as an entrepreneur by officially crashing two tech companies and seeing false starts in dozens of other ideas and investments.
I have leveraged my background to become a thought leader and futurist for consumer brands, where I publish predictions and action plans, speak at industry events, conduct webinars for C-suite leaders and groups, and help the DTC, B2C, B2B2C and consumer product industry future-proof.
I incubate businesses and spin them out.
- CO-OWNER of a company in the pet category.
- CO-OWNER of a company in telecom tower leasing and edge computing.
- FOUNDER/CEO of a company in food.
- FUTURIST, where I research, curate and publish forward guidance and help companies future-proof.
- FOUNDER/CEO of a SAAS company in the outdoor and active lifestyle industry.
- Check my chronicle (CV/resume) for additional ideas I’m incubating.
- PURSUITS: active with cycling, dogs, hiking, overlanding, photography/videography, shooting sports (archery and firearms), rock climbing/bouldering, skiing (uphill, downhill, XC, Biathlon) and weightlifting.
- FARMING. I live on a farm in Colorado with my wife and dogs where we grow using regenerative agriculture.
- HEALTH & WELLNESS. In my teens and twenties, I competed in biking, running, triathlons and biathlons (ski+shoot). I struggled in the following decades with unknown chronic health issues that forced me to step back from my professional work and outdoor activities and ‘retire’ in my 40s. Through advances in science + relentless research + trial and error, I restored my health, returned to work, and reclaimed the outdoor activities I love. I used the Functional Medicine Framework to help me regain my health.
Key sections of my website:
- INSPIRATION & WISDOM. Quotes that have inspired me.
- FUTURE MAP FOR CONSUMER BRANDS. I research and publish forward guidance on business cycles, exponential technologies, emerging business models and consumer shifts for DTC/B2C/B2B2C/consumer brands. I manage an exclusive email list for professionals in the consumer product industry, where I share insights on future trends along with predictions and strategic action plans. Contact me if you wish to be added to this list.
- DTC STARTUP ROADMAP FOR DTC/B2C/B2B2C/consumer brand startups. I use cost-effective methods that can lead to more sales – faster – and can make a company and its products more appealing to consumers, resellers and investors with less risk.
- TOKEN TECH/WEB3 FOR CONSUMER BRANDS. Tools to help brands understand this emerging technology paradigm and use cases to help them think about using tokens to create new products/services, engage in new ways to market, distribute and sell more cost-effectively and help reduce global resource depletion and carbon footprint.
- ALEXANDRIA PROJECT. This document is a guide I assembled to help us realize the goal of creating artificial intelligent (AI) personal assistants to massively increase our productivity.
- BIBLE & COMMERCE. I want to learn what the Bible teaches about developing, growing and running a business and publish tools based on my research and experiences.
- GEOEARTH PROJECT. I’ve combined my love of the outdoors, gear, data, technology and maps to create tools I use to play in and explore the outdoors.
- OVERLANDING. What we did with a Ford van to convert for overlanding use.
- MY CHRONICLE. Check the EDUCATION section for key things I have learned over the years that have helped me.
- MEDIA AND ART. Includes images and video taken by my wife and I around our passions for the outdoors and dogs and art created using generative artificial intelligence.
- ACTIVE on LinkedIn and X, posting charts and graphs that tell a story with insights and implications for the future. Explore all these posts in my Insights Hub dataset.
Search my sitemap to see a list of all my content.
Other Content
THE LIGHT OF DOG. This link goes off my website to a consumer brand I co-own and operate with my wife and includes an extensive knowledgebase with text, video, infographics and other tools to help dog owners positively impact the lives of their pets.