Why do some retail brands fail?

2019-11-05T05:21:07-07:00By |Categories: Resellers|Tags: , , , , , , , |

This is a question I was asked to answer on Quora.  My answer is below. By retail I take to mean that the brand is selling in retail. Getting into retail is not easy and it is common now to sell direct before going into retail, so past sales history is usually required. Some measure [...]

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Creating and using a production log for producing a consumer product

2018-12-08T14:21:50-07:00By |Categories: Downloads, Production & Logistics, Visuals|Tags: , , , , |

I want to use this post to run through how I encapsulate all key information for a product production run into a Google Sheet.  You can use Excel, but I prefer Sheets as it is easier to use when cross-linking, as I explain in this post. You can access the template used in this [...]

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The 3 problem areas every consumer product startup encounters and how to prepare to overcome them

2019-08-19T16:19:01-06:00By |Categories: Strategy|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

There are 3 problem areas every consumer product startup encounters.  But there are ways to overcome them if you think ahead and build those solutions into your growth strategy. Problem #1:  Product-Market Fit This is the most classic problem every startup encounters. Does your product and it's benefits or outcomes it provides, fit with the [...]

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Resource Security

2019-12-26T14:45:32-07:00By |Categories: Production & Logistics|Tags: , |

Successfully marketing and selling a product is the goal. but you need to make sure you think through and plan for resource security - a reliable supply of your product's raw materials in order to be successful. Not being able to meet demand because of supply chain issues is just as bad as not having [...]

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The importance of knowing where a consumer or CPG category is going

2016-10-28T20:25:39-06:00By |Categories: Strategy|Tags: , , , , |

I met with a small CPG food start-up recently and the discussion focused on the company's growth strategy.  Only 6 months old, the start-up is generating online sales and is looking to retail distribution, which is the primary reason why I was there.  It is entering a crowded and competitive CPG category for its product [...]

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