I group technologies as follows:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Broadband
- Computing
- Energy Generation and Storage
- Health
- IoT/Edge Computing
- Manufacturing
- Material Science
- Robotics
- Software
- Space
- Transportation
- Web3/Token Tech
I follow the above technologies in context of my futurist work. But as an entrepreneur building consumer brands, I am very interested in web3/token tech.
Token technology is an emerging technology paradigm with the potential to revolutionize the consumer product industry in many ways. This is the landing page for a knowledgebase about the technology as it relates to consumer brands. I am publishing content and tools to help consumer brands understand and enable token tech for their companies.
I believe token technology is ideally suited for the outdoor and active lifestyle industry. As a result, I have a started a project called iNDX that is a token technology app for the outdoor industry and the url (https://indx.earth) currently forwards to this page.
My futurist work reveals that revenue for outdoor brand manufacturers and funding for public lands could crater later this decade due to a confluence of factors covered in my futurist work. But I believe token tech can help ameliorate these twin disasters and I have open sourced my work in an effort to interest others to copy what I am doing so that there are more resources working on these issues.
This knowledge base publishes content using the native editor and embeds Google documents. There are links at the top of each embedded Google doc that can be clicked to open the document in its own browser tab to make it easier to read.
I have licensed the content on this page under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. which allows anyone to freely share, adapt, and build upon my creative work as long as they credit me, the creator, and share any changes they make under the same license.