How is e-commerce viable for low value products?
This is a Quora question I was asked. My answer as follows. That depends. You really need to maximize your average order value (AOV), ideally above $75 in order to make the e-commerce operation pay for itself and earn a profit. If you can do that, then yes. Subscription orders and repeat customers will help [...]
How to use autoresponder sequences for all your marketing and sales
Autoresponders are traditionally thought of in terms of email; you get a subscriber to your list and a series of emails goes out to them. Or, a customer buys a product so they get a series of emails, either general emails because you also put them on your list, or specific emails related to their [...]
The Flow of Money in a Consumer Product Company (infographic)
The best way to think about this is a profit and loss statement, starting with revenue at the top and net income at the bottom. A customer flows from the top, acquired through marketing spend, and everything in between to deliver that product to them, with profit left over, and all the key metrics [...]
A few notes on how I build my list of emails for marketing with high quality prospects
It's common practice to throw up a free download as a way to build an email list ail list bait to lure subscribers to your list. I typically do not build my list of emails for marketing that way because I want to maintain a high quality list with people that are potentially serious about [...]