Retail e-commerce data and what it means for your consumer product company

2017-02-06T20:23:19-07:00By |Categories: Marketing, Resellers|Tags: , |

Retail e-commerce increased 14.6% from 2014 to 2015, and accounts for only 7.3% of total retail sales. Total retail sales increased 1.4% from 2014 to 2015, which means brick/mortar sales increased less than 1.4 when you take out the e-commerce share%, which means brick/mortar actually shrunk relative to inflation (inflation running in the 4% [...]

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I surveyed some of my key retail brokers about bringing a new brand to retail and here is what they said

2017-02-06T20:23:57-07:00By |Categories: Resellers|

A summary of what I discuss in this video is below. I am helping a new brand come to market.  Here is some background for context: This is a new brand with new products in the home outdoor category; The category sales are flat; This is a small category with annual sales around $1 [...]

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How do I hire a product distributor to get my product into pharmacy stores?

2016-04-29T10:52:06-06:00By |Categories: Resellers|Tags: , |

This is a Quora question I was asked.  My answer is as follows. I am not aware of any specific product distributor to the pharmacy channel.  The channel has largely consolidated into Walgreens and CVS, or pharmacy departments within major retailers. Many distributors do not do actual sales for you, so in my opinion, it [...]

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A ballpark guide to relative sales of items by retail channel

2016-10-26T11:29:09-06:00By |Categories: Resellers|Tags: , , , , , , |

Assume sales of items by retail channel in units per week per retail door. Grocery: Baseline channel Natural/Specialty:  2.5 x grocery Drug: 1 x grocery Mass: 10 x grocery Club: 20 x grocery C-store: 3 x grocery

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How many products sold represent a good “market test” prior to taking a product to a large retailer such as Costco, Walmart or Target?

2017-05-10T11:35:54-06:00By |Categories: Resellers|Tags: , , |

Text of video is below. This is a Quora question I was asked and here is my answer. Actual number of products sold is not how these large retailers decide on bringing in new products. It is more about asking: Where else is the product selling and is it successful; Is the product ready [...]

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What is the best way to raise prices of products selling to major retailers?

2017-05-10T11:35:20-06:00By |Categories: Resellers|Tags: |

This is a Quora question I was asked: What is the best way to raise prices of products selling to major retailers? For a consumer home products brand selling to major retailers online (Home Depot Walmart, Costco, and so on), what is the best way to raise prices?  We are 3 years old and [...]

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Growing by bypassing online sales and instead, just selling through retail (even though I dislike doing it this way)

2017-02-06T20:24:18-07:00By |Categories: Resellers|Tags: , , , |

Why I dislike launching a product direct in retail, instead of selling online first, and some tips if I can only launch a product this way. Video Transcription I really dislike going straight to retail or through other resellers. Sell online direct to consumer first because you can start small and test [...]

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What is the average price of an item at the grocery store and the average gross margin?

2016-10-26T11:34:24-06:00By |Categories: Resellers|Tags: , , , , |

There is no real way that I know of to find an average, and I could be wrong about that.  Certainly you might find some analyst reports on public companies in a certain product category where it makes sense to assemble these averages, but for private companies, I do not know how you could assemble [...]

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How are wholesale prices determined?

2016-10-23T16:30:28-06:00By |Categories: Resellers|Tags: , , , , , , |

This is a Quora question I was asked to answer.  Here is my answer. There are many different ways to set wholesale prices and anyone that does that will probably have their own nuances and rules of thumb they follow. For most product categories, consumers will compare you to competitive offerings, as they need a [...]

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How are FMCG profit margins distributed across the supply chain?

2018-12-08T14:05:49-07:00By |Categories: Downloads, Resellers|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Working from SRP (Suggested Retail Price) backwards, I see the following for FMCG profit margins: Anchor price/SRP: Start with SRP to your most expensive channel - which represents your top-most anchor price. The markup from you as vendor to retailer is 50-60% to the specialty/top priced retailers. For non-specialty channels - like drug, mass, grocery, club, [...]

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