The KPIs for CPG depend on the channels sold.
If sold direct-to-consumer, the top metrics I track include:
- Marketing spend;
- Message engagement rates (email, social views, social shares, hashtags, etc);
- Click throughs;
- Conversions;
- Average Order Value;
- Cost per click;
- Cost per visitor;
- Cost per order;
- Cart abandon rate;
- Cancels/Declines/Returns rates;
- Return on advertising spend (ROAS) or marketing efficiency ratio (MER);
- Lifetime value, calculated at least over 12-months, but can be also much sooner depending upon the product repurchase cycle.
If sold in retail, the top metrics I track include:
- Units/door/week sold per retailer;
- Sales order change from 52-weeks prior;
- Weeks of inventory on hand that I have;
- Weeks of inventory on hand that the retail account has;
- Retailer weeks of inventory target number;
- Value of outstanding purchase orders;
- Product returns
- Retailer ROI and tradespend and penalties
- PO delivery on-time rate
- Out of stock percentage
- Logistics costs to revenue ratio
My background is consumer product and CPG startups through low 9-figures in revenue, so I cannot speak to the top metrics tracked for larger CPG’s. I would think they track the above plus additional ones.