Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) data is easily accessible and published monthly.  But it is not very useful in its downloadable form, so I improved it with additional sheets for calculations and charts built on the fly.

It is useful to take a look at top level consumer product categories to see their performance over time.  I left in the services expenditures as well as there was no need to delete and could be useful to compare against the goods expenditures.

Core Data Sheet

The core data is actual expenditures by dollar. The Dashboard Core Data contains the charts built on the fly based on the categories and the data ranges selected.

Changes Month-over-Month Sheet

Expressed as a percentage basis. The Dashboard Mo-o-Mo contains the charts built on the fly based on the categories and the data ranges selected.

Percent of Total Sheet

Expressed as a percent of total PCE expenditures. The Dashboard % of Total contains the charts built on the fly based on the categories and the data ranges selected.


A simple correlation output to see how each category correlates against all others.  This is run in Excel and copied into this Google Sheets file.

Recent Movement

Take a look at the far right for the data sheets (not the graph sheets) for additional calculations I include that look at the last 3 years data.  I use conditional formatting to help me spot categories that are rising (black text) and falling (red text).

Compare Categories

You can compare up to 4 categories.  To remove a category, just select the cell with the drop down list and select “delete” on the keyboard

Copy New Data In

You can copy in updated data by creating new columns to the right and the sheet should update automatically.

Open the sheet here.