How to build your website supplement sales funnel
See this video to learn about the elements, flow, and metrics for a good website supplement sales funnel. Click here to download the spreadsheet for this post.
See this video to learn about the elements, flow, and metrics for a good website supplement sales funnel. Click here to download the spreadsheet for this post.
The KPIs for CPG depend on the channels sold. If sold direct-to-consumer, the top metrics I track include: Marketing spend; Message engagement rates (email, social views, social shares, hashtags, etc); Click throughs; Conversions; Average Order Value; Cost per click; Cost per visitor; Cost per order; Cart abandon rate; Cancels/Declines/Returns rates; Return on advertising spend (ROAS) [...]
This is a question from a business acquaintance: I've been approached by a network and their TV show about featuring our line in a commercial as part of an episode. The rub is that they want a $50k "scheduling fee" from us in order to do the segment. This would be a big bet for [...]
This is a question I received via a discussion thread and I am reposting my contributions to the thread here. As a rule of thumb, is always a 50% margin. If selling through UNFI, Tree, etc. there might need to be another 15% added in for them, for a total margin of 65% to WFM, [...]
A brand is the sum of all facets, features and characteristics of a company, both good and bad, which are a result of the company's interactions with suppliers, manufacturers, service providers, distributors, resellers, employees, customers, the general public, owners/investors – basically, every stakeholder to the company. Brand development and management can get complex and consume [...]
I work predominantly with small consumer companies, especially startups and a commonality I see among them is that their COGS is really high, and how COGS impacts a CPG company selling to retail is significant. COGS includes raw materials, manufacturing, assembly and freight. This "Landed Cost" is the total cost of making the product [...]