About Ed Soehnel

I build FUTURE-PROOF COMPANIES designed to thrive in the decades ahead, leveraging my skills as a LEADING-EDGE TECHNOLOGIST, BUSINESS MODEL INNOVATOR and EXPONENTIAL GROWTH STRATEGIST in the DTC, B2C, B2B2C and consumer product industry. More about me here.

    Your energy should go into building better habits not chasing better results

    2022-04-27T14:17:17-06:00By |Categories: Inspiration|

    "New goals don't deliver new results. New lifestyles do. And a lifestyle is not an outcome, it is a process. For this reason, all of your energy should go into building better habits, not chasing better results.  Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement. The same way that money multiplies through compound interest, the effects [...]

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      Habits are crucial – they cast repeated votes for being a certain type of person

      2022-04-27T14:11:58-06:00By |Categories: Inspiration|

      "Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your identity. This is why habits are crucial. They cast repeated votes for being a certain type of person.  Build habits [...]

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        How to define wealth

        2022-04-27T12:14:13-06:00By |Categories: Inspiration|

        Real wealth is not having to do things certain things, like: not worrying about jerks claiming your attention, time and energy; not being locked into status games and living based on other's expectations; not feeling like you have to say “yes”; Real wealth is about freedom. Money can help achieve these things, but there are [...]

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          Define what’s meaningful

          2022-04-27T11:57:32-06:00By |Categories: Inspiration|

          Something I can do or create that would bring me more meaning in life is . . . The activities that I currently do that bring me the most meaning are... The activities or projects that I should stop doing because they are not bringing me any sense of meaning, are . . . If [...]

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            If your choices don’t match other’s expectations, that is their concern, not yours

            2022-04-27T11:49:31-06:00By |Categories: Inspiration|

            "The way someone else perceives what you do is a result of their own experiences (which you can’t control), their own preferences (which you can’t predict), and their own expectations (which you don’t set). If your choices don’t match their expectations, that is their concern, not yours." James Clear

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              What is the most important attribute of successful startup product marketers?

              2022-03-30T10:40:13-06:00By |Categories: Marketing|Tags: , , , , |

              This is a Quora question  I was asked. My answer is as follows. In short, understanding marketing and sales conversion metrics and analyzing in spreadsheets Why Is This Important? A startup requires developing products, producing them, creating marketing copy and creative, all in context of a support structure with people, systems, suppliers/contractors, etc. All of [...]

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                Awareness is often enough to motivate change.

                2022-03-11T10:27:00-07:00By |Categories: Inspiration|

                Awareness is often enough to motivate change. Merely writing down your problems may spark ideas for possible solutions. The process starts with seeing reality clearly. Via James Clear and Atomic Habits.

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                  Digital Assets Startup Analysis Framework

                  2022-04-12T12:29:54-06:00By |Categories: Investments|Tags: , , , , , , |

                  I use this specific analysis framework for startups, with additional sections for helping analyze web 3/cryptocurrency startups.  It is more geared towards analysis of cryptocurrency startup/early-stage projects, but many of the questions can apply to any startup. See this screenshot. This screenshot is from the form used to submit the data to my [...]

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