Standard operating procedures for website development and website changes
This SOP is designed for a Wordpress/Woocommerce platform.
My ecommerce sales funnel results
Background on my ecommerce sales funnel Ecommerce sales funnels are designed to guide a consumer through the purchase process and present them with value-added offers that compliment their existing purchase before they checkout. I architected and had developers build my ecommerce sales funnel. Rather than use an existing solution, I went this route because [...]
Product reviews: we need them to sell, but we have to sell first to get them…what is a startup to do?
It's the classic chicken or the egg...which came first. We need product reviews to sell, but how do we get them if we have not sold? Unfortunately, product reviews have been completely distorted in the marketplace from their original intent: The review has nothing to do with using it to improve products or offerings, which is [...]